Looking to have access to the American Medical Association (AMA) for research or study?
Redi-Data receives many requests to have access to the AMA Masterfile, and we welcome every one of them.
The AMA Masterfile is the gold standard when it comes to the physician specific data, comprised of both members and non-members. The AMA collects physician-data from the day medical students enter their first class, to the day they retire, and that data is compiled from over 2,200 sources. In addition to the annual AMA Census of Physicians, where physicians provide a self-designated primary specialties (SDPS) self-report, they include their preferred mailing address, phone number, 230 different specialties, etc. The AMA draws upon its longstanding relationship with Redi-Data, as well as the AMA’s reciprocal partnerships with medical schools, state licensing boards, accreditation entities and more means the AMA’s physician information has been confirmed and re-confirmed through a wide variety of professional organizations for physician data.
Here is a list of some of the sources for AMA data:
· U.S. Medical Schools
· State Licensing Boards
· American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS)
· Residency Program Directors
· National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
· Military and U.S. Public Health Service
· Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)
As an Official Database Licensee of the AMA Masterfile, Redi-Data follows the AMA guidelines on the uses of the database.
Therefore, it’s always helpful to understand data formats and how you plan to use the information in your research study or outreach efforts.
Will you be reaching out to physicians with a survey (postal or email*)? A Redi-Data Sales Professional can assist you with identifying your target audience and utilizing the various selections available for an ideal list to customize the database for your needs.
AMA Selections available include: Specialty, Geography, Practice Type, Age, Home/Professional Address and more.
There are times when an organization (research institute, association, medical school, healthcare organization, etc.) will inquire to have the database in-house for an extended period. These types of requests may need to be shared with the AMA Licensing Team through our internal AMA List Manager. Before sending to the AMA, we will ask you to answer some questions which help the Licensing Team understand how the data will be used, the specific elements requested and the length of time. Again, a Redi-Data Sales Professional can assist you with this process. The AMA will review each request and provide a decision on usage, as well as the specific agreement to implement.
Some questions we would ask are as follows:
· Request by: (Name, Company Information and Website)
· End Client: (Company Information and Website)
· Universe: Selects and Quantities
· Overview of Study/Project Description?
· Who will have access to the database?
· Where will the data be housed?
· How long will you need this database?
· Will updates be needed?
· When would you like the data in your hands?
· Will you need to reach out to the Physicians?
. What data elements will you require?
The AMA Licensing Team will assign each request with a unique case number. Once the AMA has reviewed the request and provided a determination on your request and contract type, Redi-Data will contact you with next steps to provide you with the data if approved, or possibly with additional questions from the AMA.
Note: Turnaround time on AMA’s determination will vary.
Redi-Data is here to help guide you through your information needs and provide the ideal solutions.
If you’d like to hear more about the benefits of using the American Medical Association Masterfile for research study, Redi-Data or the services we can provide to you, I can be reached at jpiretra@redidirect.com or (973) 227-4380 ext. 4283.
About Judy Piretra
Judy Piretra is a Sales Executive with Redi-Data, Inc. and has been with the company since 2014. Her main goal is to help clients grow their business. She holds a BS Degree in Business Administration and Marketing from Ramapo College of New Jersey. Judy has been consulting her clients for over 25 years with list, data and direct marketing services.
Follow her posts and activities on LinkedIn here:
*Email Addresses are provided by Redi-Data and can be matched to the AMA Masterfile.